watermelon pickle
Heirloom beetroot served with watermelon pickle, whipped goats cheese, and dill
I love the combination of freshly pickled beetroot, crispy and sweet against the vinegar and salt, combined with this sweet spiced watermelon pickle and creamy goats cheese. You can literally plate this in 5 minutes if you have a jar of watermelon pickle in the fridge, although the fresh pickle will have more flavour if you can give it 15 minutes in the pickling liquid.
To make the fresh beetroot pickle, thinly slice your beetroot (Chioggia or yellow beetroot work well here. I use a mandoline). Place in a bowl with 1/4 cup rice wine vinegar, 1/2 tsp salt and 1 tsp white sugar. Leave to sit until ready to serve.
To plate, layer the beetroot with goats cheese (as is, or whipped with a tbs of olive oil and a sprinkle of salt) and the watermelon rind. Top with a fresh herb such as dill or tarragon.
Watermelon pickles
1 watermelon - rind only - a great way to save what is normally waste.
1/4 cup salt
500g white sugar
300mL white wine vinegar
1 lemon, sliced into rounds
1 cinnamon quill
2 tsp whole cloves
1 tsp whole allspice
1. Prepare the watermelon rind. Remove the outer green skin, finely slice the white rind (imagine pickled ginger - this is the thickness and size to aim for)
2. Brine the rind in 1/4 cup salt and enough water to cover the rind. Leave overnight.
3. The following day rinse the rind.
4. Place remaining ingredients in a large preserving pan until sugar dissolved. Add the rinsed rind. Simmer for 1-2 minutes.
5. Jar into a sterilised jar whilst hot. Seal. Stores well in the cupboard. Refrigerate once opened.
watermelon pickle