Green chilli jam
If you only ever make one green chilli jam, please let it be this one. I know - a big call. But after consuming far too much of it, I can say that, for my taste buds at least, it is well balanced and really good with cheese.
I do think the type of chilli you use is important in terms of heat and flavour. I think this is a green cayenne chilli. The good thing about a recipe like this is the chillies can be frozen until you have enough for a decent size batch.
green chilli jam
1.5kg long green chillies, tops cut off
1.5kg raw sugar
500mL cider vinegar
400g brown onions, peeled and roughly chopped
120mL lemon juice
30g garlic, peeled
1 tbs salt
1. Place chillies, onion and garlic in to the bowl of a food processor. Process until uniform in size - aim for the size of a chilli seed.
2. Place processed chilli mix and remaining ingredients in a large preserving pan and bring to a simmer. Continue to simmer, stirring often, until a glossy thick consistency is reached. It will thicken a little as it cools - be careful not to take it too far, as it will caramelise (yes - I learnt the hard way).
3. Bottle immdeiately into sterilised jars.