Pickled purslane

Purslane pops up in all the disturbed ground in the paddocks after the rain. It has been a really dry year in the Northern Rivers, but purslane is back after a few showers. It is best now when the shoots are young and before the seed heads develop.

For more information on foraging for purslane, see Wild purslane salad or Foraging for Food.

Last year I started to experiment with pickling purslane. It has turned out well - a crunchy delicate pickle that adds a nice dimension to a salad or a cheese platter.

Pickled purslane


As many clean young tips of purslane you can gather - leave the stems intact (as pictured). The easiest way to harvest purslane tips is with a small pair of sharp scissors. I like to harvest in the morning or evening when it is at its plumpest.

Pickling brine - 1 cup of wine vinegar (red or white), 1 cup of water, 1tbs sugar, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp dried peppercorns and 6 juniper berries.


  1. Sterilise your jars

  2. Rinse your purslane to remove any dirt and spin or leave to dry. Pack tightly but gently into sterilised jars, being careful not to bruise the leaves.

  3. Make your pickling brine, heating until sugar and salt are dissolved and then simmering for a few minutes. Allow to cool slightly and pour over the purslane until completely covered.

  4. Seal jars and store for a week or two to allow the flavours to settle. Store in the fridge once open.