Lilly Pilly Jam

How to make Lilly Pilly Jam
Lay a tarp under the Lilly Pilly tree early in the morning when fruit has ripened. Harvest.
(I would like to make this sound romantic, but harvesting Lilly Pilly's is a labour of love... use whatever method you see fit. I recommend a step ladder, some garden shears and a lot of friends.)
Place the fruit in a large preserving pan, pour in enough water for it to cover half the fruit. Cook with the lid on until the fruit loses its bright colour and softens (about 20 minutes). Now take a breath. All this fruit and cooking liquid needs to go through a sieve. It's going to be worth it so persevere.
Measure out your sieved liquid back into a clean preserving pan. For each 300mL of liquid add 1 cup of sugar, 1/3 tsp orange blossom water, strip of orange peel, 2 cloves, half a cinnamon stick and juice of 1/2 a lemon.
Bring to a rolling boil until setting point reached.
Pour into sterilised jars and cross your fingers it sets or you will be reboiling!
I don't eat a lot of jam. But this is pretty amazing with scones or on top of some roasted brie.