Davidson plum jam

Davidson plums are tart. Really really tart. They are therefore perfect for a jam.
Davidson plums are a Native Australian fruit. This batch was made from a gifted box of Davidsonia pruriens, the QLD variety of Davidson plum that fruit mid year (perfect for minimising risk of fruit fly if you are growing in Northern NSW!). Strikingly deep reddish purple when cooked, the flavour of the plum is complemented well by orange and clove.
If you do not have your own Davidson plum tree, you will find it easiest to source frozen plums. These will work perfectly well in place of fresh plums in this recipe.
Davidson plum jam
Makes 10 x 110g jars
1 kg Davidson Plum flesh
1 kg sugar
strips of rind from one orange
juice of 2 oranges
12 whole clove (in a muslin bag will make them easier to find and remove)
Place all the ingredients over a very low heat until the sugar dissolves, making sure to brush the sugar crystals off the side of the pot.
Bring to a rolling boil until setting point is reached. Carefully remove orange rind and cloves.
Jar immediately into hot sterilised jam jars.
Looking for more uses for Davidson Plums? Take a look at my post on dehydrating Davidson plums to make powder, and making Davidson plum sorbet.