Wild raspberry vinegar

I grew up on the South Coast of NSW on a big piece of land in Dignam’s Creek. It was pretty idyllic as a child - my parents came from a healthy philosophy of doing things from scratch. They built the house from mud bricks. We had milk cows, big vegetable patches, and an orchard.
Close by is a town called Central Tilba. In Central Tilba there was a beautiful B&B run by Kay. For reasons unknown to me, Kay welcomed me in to her home after school and on the weekends to teach me all kinds of things - quilting, paper making, how to arrange flowers for her colour themed B&B rooms, how to be a good host, and how to make raspberry vinegar.
It just so happens that native Australian raspberries, Rubus probus, are in season. Raspberry vinegar is an easy way to preserve the flavour and colour of raspberries for use year round.
Wild Raspberry Vinegar
400g raspberries
500mL white wine vinegar
100g white sugar
Heat the white wine vinegar with the sugar until well dissolved.
Place the raspberries in a large clean jar or non reactive bowl and cover with the warm vinegar. Leave overnight.
Gently strain through a fine sieve or muslin.
Pour into a sterilised jar.